Research the differences between these two approaches and write a brief comparison of the features, functions, examples, and usage of them.

Virtualization Virtualization is often confused with emulation. Emulation is essentially imitation and virtualization is software that acts like hardware. Research the differences between these two approaches and write a brief comparison of the features, functions, examples, and usage of them. This document should be at least 250 words, but regardless of its length, it should […]

What questions do you have for further research after reading this article?

Administration of Network Resources Questions As a Windows Server administrator, it’s important to stay current on the latest developments and configuration tips from the Windows Server Team at Microsoft. One of the best ways of doing this is to regularly visit the Windows Server blog.Go to the Windows Server blog at and find an […]

How do you believe virtualization could help in data center consolidation?

This is 4 questions total, about 250 words per question. 1. What is the difference between commands ipconfig and ip show all? What is the difference between a public and private IP address? 2.Virtualization allows us to place the functionality of many servers into a single host while maintaining configurable levels of separation between all […]

Write a paper that explains how virtualization tools can support ABC University by creating virtual laboratories where software can be installed and accessed by students at a reasonable cost to the organization.

Explain Server-Side and Client-Side Virtualization Scenario: ABC University offers several degrees in computer science, information technology, and engineering. Students in these technical programs need to use several software programs that are expensive to buy. To avoid added costs, the university has decided to purchase the required software and to provide the students with access to […]

Would any of the options enhance or inhibit the business’ ability to enter into mergers with other companies and combine business systems?

Week 7 Written Assignment For a business to expand and grow, the IT infrastructure must be able to support changing demand for services. Businesses may grow by expanding the existing business, or they may grow through mergers and acquisitions. When companies merge, the newly combined company needs systems to support it. Research multiple options for […]

Explain how virtual machines can provide flexibility and disaster recovery capabilities will change the executive team’s initial resistance to migrate to a virtual environment.

1. Research and provide a written recommendation for virtualization using VMWare. 2. Research VMWare applications for data center virtualization, data management, and virtual storage. 3. Explain how virtual machines can provide flexibility and disaster recovery capabilities will change the executive team’s initial resistance to migrate to a virtual environment. 4. Based on your research, provide […]

Discuss:What is virtualization and virtual technologies?,Where did the concept of virtual computing originate?

***References – must be from 2015 to 2020 References must be verifiable from Google Scholar ***All numbered items below must be fully researched Part One 1 Page – 3 References One paragraph – one reference 1. What is virtualization and virtual technologies? One paragraph – one reference 2. Where did the concept of virtual computing […]