What challenges that specific group faces as a result of the marginalization, and what we may be losing as a society by not creating a safe space.

Short essay 3 At any given time, there are populations of people in this country who have been and still are marginalized by virtue of how they were/are marked by race, ethnicity, gender or some combination thereof. For this assignment you are to write a 2-3 page essay that explores how a specific group of […]

Identify who the stakeholders are in the issue

S- Stakeholder Identify who the stakeholders are in the issue I-Issue Create a question on what the issue is (for example: is it ethical to use in clothing) M- Model (answer each model in bullet point format) Utilitarianism (outcome-based) Kantian (duty-based) Virtue (virtues-based) A- Analysis The analysis is the breakdown provided in all the models […]

Discuss to what extent you believe things to be better or worse in the present day for businesses in general.

THE HISTORY OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND STAKEHOLDER THEORY IN AMERICA Terris, Daniel. (2005) Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation. Brandeis University Press. Waltham, MA. Retrieved from ProQuest ebrary. Pages 1-48 Based on your readings, describe what you consider to be the responsibility of top leadership in a large organization with respect to […]

Explain how the knights are similar or different and how they view virtue and honor.

Start at top of page there will be a cover page Write a one-page paper that compares Don Quixote’s actions to those of the knight in The Grey Palfrey . Explain how the knights are similar or different and how they view virtue and honor. use context from both poems if you need copy of […]

Identify the type of moral reasoning used in the code (deontology, teleology, virtue); justify your statement

Ethics Read https://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=25049 (Codes of Ethics) and identify the moral reasoning, ethics, and values. Compare the aspects of the code of ethics with your personal moral reasoning, ethics, and values from Module 1. You should be considering the publicly stated ethical guidelines of an organization and looking for theoretical ethical underpinnings (virtue/deontology/consequentialism), can/shall/must aspects, values […]

Explain how the knights are similar or different and how they view virtue and honor.

Start at top of page there will be a cover page Write a one-page paper that compares Don Quixote’s actions to those of the knight in The Grey Palfrey . Explain how the knights are similar or different and how they view virtue and honor. use context from both poems if you need copy of […]

What is the relationship, if any, between being a good person and being a happy person?

Answer each of the following questions, in one brief paragraph for each question. Remember, no long, block-texts 1. What does it mean to be a good  person? 2. What is the relationship, if any, between being a good person and being a happy person? As you respond to the two main questions above, remember that […]

Explain in your own words why Hume believes that an appraisal of a person as having a particular virtue or a vice is a matter of having certain feelings, or sentiments, concerning that person’s character.

Description Explain in your own words why Hume believes that an appraisal of a person as having a particular virtue or a vice is a matter of having certain feelings, or sentiments, concerning that person’s character. In explaining, be sure to (a) briefly explain the understanding of appraisals of virtue that Hume is rejecting, and […]

Discuss how cultivating a virtuous disposition may help you achieve your personal and professional goals

Discuss how cultivating a virtuous disposition may help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Discuss the concept of virtue and what it means to be a good person and have good moral character. Consider how being virtuous defines you. Examine your cultural ideas of virtues and how they compare with other cultures. Explain how […]