Is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) ethical? Justify your claim using any ethical theory.

1) Identify the important details of Divine Command Theory and describe one example in which Divine Command Theory could be applied in the video Sister’s Keeper (2009). 2) Identify the important details of Virtue Ethics and describe one example in which Virtue Ethics could beapplied in the video  Sister’s Keeper (2009). 3) Define at least […]

Does everyone have the right to kill themselves-Is there a correct way to die and how do we know it?

Formal analysis paper Answer the following prompt with a Formal Analysis: From Socrates to Kubler-Ross, Utilitarianism to Virtue Ethics, we have considered a number of themes throughout our semester. In the context of “Ethics of Living and Dying”, these topics are applied to the medical field. Many of the relevant questions that can be asked […]

Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?

Topic: Prenatal Testing To complete each scenario assignment: Complete the entire scenario. Fill out the template attached below, ask your professor for details on submission. Compose the last question on the template reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions: Why do you feel the way you […]

What, if anything, do these systems have in common-What, if anything, are their key differences?

Natural Law vs Divine Nature Now that you have learned about competing ethical theories, write a thread that compares and contrasts a Christian ethical theory with a competing ethical theory. Since we have already looked at ethical relativism in Discussion: Relativism vs Absolutism, you may choose from any metaethical theory covered in Moral Choices or […]

What, if anything, do these systems have in common-What, if anything, are their key differences?

Compare and Contrast Metaethical Theories Now that you have learned about competing ethical theories, write a thread that compares and contrasts a Christian ethical theory with a competing ethical theory. S ince we have already looked at ethical relativism in Discussion: Relativism vs Absolutism, you may choose from any metaethical theory covered in Moral Choices […]

Identify what you see as the main strengths and the main weaknesses of each theory. Is there one of these ethical theories that you would advocate over the others? Explain why or why not.

Compare and contrast the main points of similarity and the main points of divergence between ethical relativism, existentialism, social norm based ethics and virtue ethics. Identify what you see as the main strengths and the main weaknesses of each theory. Is there one of these ethical theories that you would advocate over the others? Explain […]

Explain as clearly and precisely as you can how that principle leads to a particular conclusion.

“Should the COVID-19 Vaccine be Mandatory for the use of Public Transportation or Air Travel?” Part 1: Ethical Question State the ethical question beneath this heading. This question should be on the same topic as the question presented in the week one assignment, and if necessary, revised based on your instructor’s comments and the additional […]

Explain the Golden Mean and how individuals gain the ability over time to rightly judge what good moral behavior is.

Aristotle: Virtue Ethics Has to have topic statement. On Virtue Ethics • Describe the acorn/oak tree analogy as relevant to Aristotle’s virtue ethics. • What is the ultimate goal that Aristotle thinks all action aims at? • What are external goods? Provide examples and an explanation of their value. • What are internal goods? Provide […]

How would the veil of ignorance-a different theory of justice address John Doe’s case?

Write a minimum of two paragraphs for each discussion. Discussion 1: Week 8 Discussion: Reflection and Looking Ahead 66 unread replies.66 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook reading Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your […]

Does this impact only that one person? Society? Medical system (never know despite low risk could go bad)? Friends-family at risk?

Final Position Paper Ethics of breaking or ignoring pandemic related restrictions: One can argue that they are willing to personally take the chances to catch the virus by breaking pandemic related rules and restrictions. However, this raises an important ethical question: is it ethical for people to break pandemic rules and restrictions? Why or why […]