Generate an md5 hash for each file (the contents… not the file name (string).

Create a Virus Total Client you will be creating a simple VirusTotal Client. You will extract the files provided in the, into a directory named: TARGET Your script will process each file in the TARGET folder. In other words you will generate an md5 hash for each file (the contents… not the file name […]

What is the chain of infection for virus tr transmission, and portal of entry in susce

Spillover Read chapter 7 of spillover and post a • Provide a general review of the cha • What is the chain of infection for virus tr transmission, and portal of entry in susce P Went, reservoir, mode(s) of virus. Sf • Describe in detail how 3 concepts we’ chapter (excluding things described in States) […]

Describe why and how Covid-19 is a serious problem by listing out the effects of this virus. For example: overall deaths, stock market crisis, job loss, etc.

Some important things to note: 1. This essay is to describe why and how Covid-19 is a serious problem by listing out the effects of this virus. For example: overall deaths, stock market crisis, job loss, etc. 2. Don’t need to include a solution (as most writers tend to do this for a research paper)

Discuss the routes of transmission of your virus and how it can be controlled.

Questions: 1. Virus name: 2. Virus family: 3. Is this virus naked or enveloped? 4. What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA) 5. Describe the life cycle of a virus. Include all five steps (you may give the generalized virus life cycle). 6. Discuss the host range of […]

What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA)Describe

Questions: 1. Virus name: 2. Virus family: 3. Is this virus naked or enveloped? 4. What type of genetic information does this virus carry? (dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, (-)RNA, (+)RNA) 5. Describe the life cycle of a virus. Include all five steps (you may give the generalized virus life cycle). 6. Discuss the host range of […]

Using your knowledge of gene expression, how would you design a new drug to treat a patient with COVID-19 in order to stop the virus in their body?

We have just finished a chapter on gene expression, or how genetic information is used to make necessary products in the cell. For your biotechnology project, I’m going to ask everyone to complete 3 things: 1) View the videos and do the activities on gene expression in your biotechnology project folder How fireflies make light […]