Do you feel that viruses are not living things and should be called infectious molecules, or do you believe viruses are more than inert and lifeless molecules?

Which side of the viral debate do you agree with and why? Do you feel that viruses are not living things and should be called infectious molecules, or do you believe viruses are more than inert and lifeless molecules? Provide a rationale for your position.  

Are viruses alive, not alive or something in between-And why does it matter?” by Megan Scudellari.

Unit 2 Discussion – Are Viruses Alive? Read Selecting Credible Sources for Discussions and other Activities which provides guidelines for selecting credible sources as well as links to websites that could be useful for this, and other, discussions. (see below references) Read the article or watch the video listed below that corresponds with the first […]

What are the positive-negative effects associated with monitoring employees at your company?

COMPANY is AMAZON For this assignment, select a company/organization of any type (for profit, non-profit) and complete the following using screenshots, images or diagram of sample products, processes, etc. to illustrate and address the items below (you may also consult as a source) This is not a research paper; however provide your source(s): Answer […]

Explain the strength and difficulties of such a project, and any comments you might think are important to convince someone to support the project financially

Should and can extinct species be brought back through cloning and genetic engineering? You are scientist trying to get money for a de-extinction project. Outline your plans for de-extinction for an animal or plant, and why you think it would be interesting or important to bring this particular species back into modern times. Explain the […]

Describe the structure and function of the components of Eukaryotic cells AND explain the differences between Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes and viruses.

Description Write an illustrated report with the title “Units of Life” Your report needs to describe the structure and function of the components of Eukaryotic cells AND explain the differences between Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes and viruses. (900words)

Discuss how and where the single-stranded DNA molecules in the original virus capsids are converted to double-stranded DNA molecules, and by which enzymes in each case (host or viral).

Describe the virion structure of both viruses: Capsid symmetry Type of nucleic acid (number of strands, + vs. -) Presence or absence of an envelope (membrane) Discuss how each virus binds to and enters the cell (including receptors, if known) Discuss how and where the single-stranded DNA molecules in the original virus capsids are converted […]

Compare and contrast viruses, worms, and Trojans. Indicate which of these you consider to be the greatest danger to computer users and/or the greatest challenge for security personnel to protect against.

Ransomware and Virus Protection Overview You work as an information security specialist for a large financial company and your CISO has asked you to investigate recent ransomware attacks. The CISO wants to ensure that the company is well protected against these types of attacks. Instructions Write a paper in which you answer the following: Identify […]