Identify changes from artifact to artifact such as shifts in audience, appeal strategies, or message, and explain if these are effective.

Project 4 Kairos Paper and Visual For this assignment, compose a 4 to 6 page analysis paper that contains Introduction Detail essential historic or background information about the artifact briefly Include thesis that makes a claim about how the artifacts have changed over time and the effectiveness of that change Did the audience change? Did […]

Describe the visual appearance, impressive camera work, the angles, the shot the set designs like costumes, location, and lighting.

Description Write approximately 1000 (about 4 double-spaced pages) words addressing the following areas on movie “Breakfast at Tiffanys” Introduction Background information about the movie, i.e., was it responding to a social event or parodying something? The movie director and main characters/ stars Thesis statement and the reason for analysis – your overall take on the […]

Explain The Abstract Expressionists – Jackson Pollock, Arshille Gorky, and Lee Krasner. Explain their interest in memory and through visual analysis of 1 work by each artist, explain how they gave memory a visual form. Refer to one theorist of memory who was relevant to Abstract Expressionism.

Description Include with your written essay submission: • Images and captions of all works discussed • References to scholarly texts, cited using footnotes/endnotes and a bibliography The Abstract Expressionists – Jackson Pollock, Arshille Gorky, and Lee Krasner. Explain their interest in memory and through visual analysis of 1 work by each artist, explain how they […]