Consider the standard cost of a skilled labour as £20/hr, unskilled labour as £10/hr and equipment as £50/hr.

Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation PART 1 (25% of the assignment) There is an increasing demand in the international market for high quality project managers to run multinational and multi-sites projects. As a Project Manager you have been given the task by an international company to identify qualities and attributes of project managers with emphasis […]

Conduct a critical review of the survey and its outcomes.

The first assignment aims to assess analytical thinking as well as technical skills in the use of self-service analytics software packages to develop an analytics solution. You are required to understand the business context, apply the analytics software packages to explore the given dataset to unveil the business insights, and make analytics recommendations. You are […]

Evaluate methods of data visualisation in terms of presenting data in specific contexts.

1)Evaluate methods of data visualisation in terms of presenting data in specific contexts.2)Evaluate the effectiveness of data visualisation choices.3)Apply data visualisation tools to present a complex dataset.4)Understand the needs of an audience and tailor presentations to suit.5)Present the findings of data analysis through a visual medium as part of a presentation.6)Apply appropriate ‘storytelling’ approaches to […]