Explain the importance of the role of sacramentality and the part you can develop in your vocation in order to participate and interact with people in your vocation.

Explain the importance of the role of sacramentality and the part you can develop in your vocation in order to participate and interact with people in your vocation. How can you be “sacramental” to others in your dealings with them through the knowledge you have gained (and are gaining)? In other words, through your vocation […]

Explain significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment.

1. Significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment. 2. Aspects of your background that inform the unique perspective you would add to the diverse and vibrant community that exists at […]

What does it mean to make a living for-from politics-how does this affect the process of governing?

The purpose of philosophy I) Nietzsche What is the point of studying the past – especially the ideas, morals, and philosophies of prior generations? To answer this question,Address the following specific topics. 1) Define and provide textual examples of what Nietzsche means by the term “history.” 2) Evaluate both the pros and cons of using […]

What do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process?

As we consider the doctrine of salvation, the NT places emphasis upon the need to make Christ known. What do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process? What kinds of opportunities might you have through your gifts, interests, and (anticipated) vocation to make Christ known? What role do you hope […]

Explain How will you “achieve” and “maintain” Academic Integrity while in the program? What does it look like at the graduate level? How “do you” or “will you” ensure you adhere to standards of integrity in your chosen vocation?

Integrity is loosely defined as an adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; and honesty. Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Both are critical attributes that translate into one’s current and/or future vocation. How will you “achieve” and “maintain” Academic Integrity while in the program? What does it look like […]

Explain,how is the concept of home something more than a particular place where one lives? What does a home or house mean to a writer and/or think about how the homes that Cisneros inhabits as an adult woman reflect her life and vocation.

Begin by reading Cisneros’ stories. What does a “real” house mean to Cisneros in the title piece, “The House on Mango Street”? Then, read “A House of My Own” reflecting on Cisneros’ ideas of home from her adult perspective of a writer. Choose a particular line or passage from this essay that you think reflects […]