How light/modified duty is managed by employers and whether employers may reduce compensation for workers on light/modified duty.

Research & Summaries Workers’ Compensation Research Paper: Select a particular U.S. state or territory, the federal OWCP system, and write a research paper on the current system of workers’ compensation in that state/jurisdiction. Students should communicate their state of choice to the instructor and/or facilitator. The research paper should be double-spaced, one-inch margins all around, […]

write a one-page Letter of Recommended Improvement’ identifying a potential area in the practice setting (or system) and suggesting a potential solution.

This assignment focuses on vocational exploration and fulfilling a civic responsibility by helping to meet healthcare needs in our community. Students will complete eight (8) of their practice hours at a non-profit organization in Florida. While completing the hours, students will assess the site for potential areas for improvement. The student will write a one-page […]

Describe 2-3 collaboration strategies that you can use when working with Alex and his parents/guardians as the transition plan is executed and progress towards his goals is monitored.

Case Scenario: Alex  Alex is a 17-year-old student with autism. He receives special education services in a self-contained classroom in an urban high school. Alex receives instruction both in the classroom and in the community to improve his vocational, academic, and social skills. He is currently participating in community-based training in an office setting completing […]