How does plate tectonics explain where and why earthquakes and volcanoes occur where they do?Explain

Paper detalis: Research 5 types of mountains. For each type provide an image, describe physical characteristics along with how they formed and apply Plate Tectonics to the kind of mountain building. Pick a mountain range: Andes, Alps, Appalachians, Himalayas, or Rockies. Describe and defend what type of mountain formation. Research about earthquakes and write a […]

Describe the relationship between the types of volcanoes and different plate boundaries. What are the mechanisms that cause this distribution?

Written Assignment 3 Answer the following questions: Describe the relationship between the types of volcanoes and different plate boundaries. What are the mechanisms that cause this distribution? Distinguish between magma and lava. Explain how the location of an eruption can determine the specific composition of magma and rocks produced as the lava cools. Describe the […]