How does the United States rank in voter turnout when compared to other developed democracies?

Read “In past elections U.S. trailed most countries in voter turnout.” How does the United States rank in voter turnout when compared to other developed democracies? According to your textbook, what are some of the causes of low voter turnout in the United States? Do you think it is important to have a high voter […]

Discuss what you found. How does your neighborhood compare to the county in terms of turnout in each primary? Is your neighborhood more Democratic or more Republican than the county as a whole? Why do you think that is? Finally, do you think we should do anything as a society to increase voter turnout, and – if so, what?

Should we make people vote, like they do in Australia? Should we pay people to vote, as Yale Law School Professor Stephen Carter suggests? Do we really have a problem at all? In the Additional Materials, I have provided PDFs about Republican and Democratic Primary Elections (March 3, 2020). There are two versions of each, […]