Discuss what will happen to revenue if the number of the cookies sold increases or decreases.

Unit 2 Accounting Project Cookie Business In this project, you will be opening your own specialty cookie company to see how product costing methods and changes in production affect business decisions. You will be creating a series of reports and analyzing the results using the template provided to guide you through the project. The learning […]

Calculate Real GDP in each of the three years, using 2006 as the base year.

Assignment 2 Questions: Chapter(10 Marks) National income accounting deals with the aggregate measure of the outcome of economic activities. The most common measure of the aggregate production in an economy is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The table below provides Country’s national income accounting. Use this data to answer the following questions.   Transfer Payments $ […]

Discus the evolution of the different components of consumption (non durable goods, durable goods, and services) during the recent covid shock and the expected future evolution.

Supply and Demand 1. Supply-demand theoretical questions:• What is a demand schedule? What is the quantity demanded?• What is a shift in the demand (curve)?• Again, shift in demand: What happens when the price of a substitutegood increases?• How does the market demand curve differ from an individual demandcurve?2. Explain how the following factors will […]

What suggestions can you make to management when it comes to negotiating with unions about health care?

Wages, Benefits, or Both? You have two choices for this written assignment; you only need to address one. Topic 1: The cost of healthcare has been a controversial subject for quite some time, both to businesses and employees. Choose a state and research and compare its minimum wage requirements to the cost of healthcare. Make […]

Discuss the procedures involved in probation revocation. What are the rights of the probationer? Is probation a privilege or a right?

Discuss the sentencing dispositions in your state jurisdiction. What are the pros and cons of each? Compare the various types of incarceration sentences. What are the similarities and differences? Why are many jurisdictions considering the passage of mandatory sentencing laws? Discuss the issue of capital punishment. In your opinion, does it serve as a deterrent? […]