Does the writer use any types of appeals or commit any fallacies?

Instructions Learning Objectives Examine the process involved with problem formulation. Apply critical thinking to problem identification. Evaluate ethical implications of a decision. Prompt: Choose an editorial article from within the past 5 years (An editorial is an article that presents the writer’s opinion on an issue supported with facts) from the New York Times, the […]

What would be the treatment/experimental groups, and what would be the control group?

WK 9 – MGMT 650 Discussion Type I and Type II errors. Balancing the Risks of Errors in Hypothesis Testing The U.S. FDA is responsible for approving new drugs. Many consumer groups feel that the approval process is too easy and, therefore, too many medications that are later found to be unsafe are approved. On […]

What types of cross-cultural differences might arise in these situations?

Review six recent issues of a business periodical (such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, or Wall Street Journal) Find two articles on international business and evaluate them by asking: What types of cross-cultural differences might arise in these situations? How might managers deal with those cross-cultural differences?

What is your takeaway/opinion on how the organization handled the situation?

Chapter 3: Written Assignment: In the News Purpose: To reinforce the importance of ethics in the day-to-day operations of real companies. Instructions: Identify one story in the news (within the last 30 days) that pertains to an ethics situation faced by a company. You can use news outlets or publications such as The Wall Street […]

How is the economic issue related to the concepts or models that you have learned from this course?

Read the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or any other major newspaper or weekly publication and select a single article or articles that (1) either report on interesting economic news that can be analyzed by the concepts or models taught in this course or (2) discusses one or more economic issues related to the concepts […]

What changes do YOU think META should make going forward?

Read the following series of articles from the Wall Street Journal which leaked information regarding Facebook Inc’s recent transition to Meta Inc. The articles also give insight into the company’s leadership, organizational structure, culture, and decision-making. You can also download a PDF Ebook of the report here: Write a 3-5 page paper (double […]

How do you believe these acquisitions will allow this, and any other retailer, to achieve financial goals and create financial retail strategy? 

Week 4 To Acquire or Not to Acquire? To Merge or Not to Merge? As we think about the goals of the firm, financial management, and overall retail financial strategy we should also think about how mergers and acquisitions play a part in achieving profitability and increasing market share for the firm.  Should a firm […]

Write about the impact of what you have read on the triple bottom line (e.g., profit, people, planet).

Topic: Profit / Market and CSR Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility related to the week’s textbook chapter reading. Succinctly, write a critique of the article in this discussion forum. The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 […]

Write about the impact of what you have read on the triple bottom line (e.g., profit, people, planet).

Topic: Corporate service responsibility You will submit an original post (a critique of the WSJ article; 40 points) and two replies to other student’s critiques (30 points). Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility and or is related to the week’s textbook chapter reading. Succinctly, […]

Briefly explain why you chose the article and how it relates to either leadership and persuasion or achieving results.

Using the Wall Street Journal menu link, select an article that relates to leadership and persuasion or to achieving results with effective leadership. Briefly explain why you chose the article and how it relates to either leadership and persuasion or achieving results.