Discuss the factors that motivated the U.S. to expand westward. Was the United States justified in going to war against Mexico? Why or why not? What were the short-term and long-term consequences of the U.S.-Mexico War? In your opinion, how should this war be rememberefktd?

Topic: Mexican war Paper details: b) Discuss the factors that motivated the U.S. to expand westward. Was the United States justified in going to war against Mexico? Why or why not? What were the short-term and long-term consequences of the U.S.-Mexico War? In your opinion, how should this war be rememberefktd?

Does Junger romanticize war? Is he a privileged “dude” who, bored with his to-do quotidian suburban life, fetishizes the dangers of war and exalts human violence simply because he never had to experience it? Is he wrong that violence is one of the best ways for us to bond with one another? Are there not many examples in which war and violence does not lead to bonding, but to destruction? Is he a war tourist?

Sebastian Junger’s book Tribe argues that modern capitalist society in the West fails to meet the needs of our tribal selves. For thousands of years our ancestors lived in tight knit social groups and shared a common sense of purpose and sacrifice for the greater good of the group. The author asserts that Western capitalism […]

Discuss on a nation/culture that developed before 1500.Identify the place in detail and explain its significance to a particular culture at a specific time and must also discuss what if any of the original place remains and what is being preserved.

Students need to select a topic and submit that to the instructor who will recommend resources. Students can meet with the instructor to update progress or get additional guidance. Students have the following choices for the research project: a research paper on a nation/culture that developed before 1500 – If a nation is selected as […]

“Underlying all of these conventions was the desire for decisive battle. In important respects, these conventions appealed to the needs and mentality of yeoman hoplites” (Lynn 2003, 19). Discuss your opinion of whether this is truly the core of the Western way of war?

Description In his discussion of ancient Greece, Lynn examines the characteristics of Greek warfare and Hanson’s take on the foundations of Western warfare, stating that: “Underlying all of these conventions was the desire for decisive battle. In important respects, these conventions appealed to the needs and mentality of yeoman hoplites” (Lynn 2003, 19). Discuss your […]

Discuss on how war affects various parts of life in the 21st century and from the past.

Write a paper reflecting on how war affects various parts of life in the 21st century and from the past. When talking about the past focus on the conquering of the Aztecs in the 16th century and how war affected their society. When talking about the present (21st Century) talk about a couple global issues […]