Explain the tragic elements of the US policy in Vietnam, American protest against the war, and the plight of soldiers and veterans.

Description (First Page; Full page) : Read Chapter 29 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other […]

. Discuss the concept of “law and order” as depicted in the documentary.

1. Evaluate the major theme of the 13TH documentary? What did you learn from the documentary? 2. Discuss the concept of “law and order” as depicted in the documentary. 3. Explore the “Southern Strategy” and its impact on American politics. 4. Examine the “war on drugs” and its impact on African Americans. What are the […]

Discuss What was the purpose of America’s involvement in Vietnam, starting in the years after the end of World War 2? Do you think it was necessary for us to be involved there? Why or why not?

1. What was the purpose of America’s involvement in Vietnam, starting in the years after the end of World War Vietnam2? Do you think it was necessary for us to be involved there? Why or why not? 2. Why was the Vietnam War so problematic? Why were so many people against it? What was the […]

Pick a Canadian war hero from the List of Canadian Victoria Cross Recipients and write a short biography on one Canadian VC recipient of the First World War. Where was he born? With what unit did he fight? What did he do to earn the VC?Discuss

Description Pick a Canadian war hero from the List of Canadian Victoria Cross Recipients and write a short biography on one Canadian VC recipient of the First World War. Where was he born? With what unit did he fight? What did he do to earn the VC? Then, in one or two sentences, answer each […]

Explain What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years?

Description Thousands and thousands of African Americans wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt for help from 1932 to 1944. Assume an African American character and write from the perspective of the character. What would be the obstacles faced by people of color during the Great Depression or the war years? Explain the issues in your letter and […]

Describe how humans and the plant have co-evolved in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Description professor’s comment on this paper YOu jumped right to the body paragraphs without really answering the questions for these sections. YOu will want to rewrite these paragraphs for the next assignment with these notes in mind: For your working thesis, remember that this paper examines (and therefore, your thesis will argue) the mutual benefit […]

What does she mean? Why do peacemakers routinely ignore children during the process? How did the U.N. reshape peacemaking efforts to address the needs of children? What are the obstacles and challenges when incorporating protections for children? What are the appropriate or traditional steps to ensure children are protected during peacemaking efforts? How can peacemakers address children’s rights? How can they mitigate the effects of war?

Description Prepare: Reflect: In this discussion consider children as peacemakers. While children are routinely ignored or silenced during peacemaking process, the effect war and violent conflicts have on children has been documented, yet the agency of children during peacemaking process is not well known. In fact, children are ignored. In many respects, this makes sense […]

Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts.

The final paper is designed to for you to demonstrate your skills of the course outcomes: Analyze theories of war. Describe the U.S. military strategy and evolution. Explain cultural diversity in developing stronger U.S. partnerships. Evaluate cyber terrorism tactics on current and future conflicts. Research and write a paper that uses audience-appropriate content, is well-organized, and correctly […]