Locate or conduct an oral history with someone who lived through World War II in the United States and then write a 5-7-page paper contextualizing the experiences of the individual you have selected.

For this paper, you are asked to either locate or conduct an oral history with someone who lived through World War II in the United States and then write a 5-7-page paper contextualizing the experiences of the individual you have selected. Please feel free to reach out with ANY questions about the paper.

Compare and contrast the experiences of colonial and U.S. soldiers (including your ancestors) from the War of Independence in the 18th century through the early 20th century.

You are a freelance reporter who has been hired by the Military Times to write a comprehensive essay about the experiences of soldiers from the Revolutionary War through World War I that will be published on November 11 (Veterans Day). Discussion of World War I should be primary as Veterans Day is related to this […]

Describe a CIA action from Document 8’s timeline that you have researched online. after learning more about the event from your research, do you agree with Kangas’ view of the true purpose of the CIA during the Cold War? Why, or why not? List examples to support your view.

Description (Half a page) Read Chapter 26 from The American Promise, Volume II and write your responses to the questions below in outline format or as a rough draft. Use specific historical examples and details. You must use your own words to describe the events; do not copy from the textbook or other sources. Explain […]

Analyse why, how and whether history is constrained or altered by the depiction of the object. That’s the most important part.

Description For this essay we are supposed to use a historical artifact in the public domain. As such use the statue of General E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia as a primary focus. Though you can refer to other statues to backup your argument. Write a critical and analytical essay or equivalent on one aspect of […]

Discuss the cold war (including Red Scare), Korean War, Civil rights (Jim Crow, segregation, Till, Parks, Jackie Robinson).

When one looks at 1950’s it appears very passive on the surface, yet there is an ugly underbelly. Discuss the good and bad of this decade. Some but not all the issues to discuss are culture-movies, books, tv, role of family, baby boomers, suburban growth. You might include role of women then and today including […]

Use your knowledge of mechanistic and organic organizational designs to discuss the application of these ideas to the military structure of the past and the future.

Description Organizational Reactions to a Changing Environment: During the Cold War, the US Cold prepared for a conventional battlefield with fairly structured problems and relatively clear objectives. The military’s assessment of future operations is one characterized by a higher degree of uncertainty than in the past; one in which the situations change quickly and which […]

Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.

Topic: American Foreign policies Paper details: Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies: Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Containment Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters Vietnam (conflict) War Détente’ SALT I & SALT II Camp David Accords Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”) Then, address the following for your selections: Explain how each of your choices was […]

Explain How do Goldman and DuBois speak to us today, even as the United States has become the most powerful nation, militarily, on the planet, but one in which many of the inequities of the World War I era still exist?

The First World War would not be the first war when the United States would say it was fighting for democracy — the Civil War and Spanish-American War were both fought, in a sense, under the same pretenses — but it would be the first global conflict in which the United States took the lead […]

How was the walking city different before the Civil War than after the Civil War?Explain how three people or groups, including Muckrakers, political machines, Progressives, businessmen, or any other groups tried to help resolve the problems of the industrial city.

1. Pick out 2 political stereotypes from the National Politics lecture video. Are those stereotypes concerning politics in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era correct? Use specific examples, meaning exact names of people or things, to prove your answer. This will mostly come from the Politics lecture, but you may also find help in the […]