Discuss In the debate over the effectiveness of foreign aid (effectiveness being “foreign aid sent for reason X actually makes condition X better in that country”), the Cold War has become an important variable. What was it about the Cold War (and its end) that had such a big impact on foreign aid effectiveness? Why did this change happen?

Paper details: In the debate over the effectiveness of foreign aid (effectiveness being “foreign aid sent for reason X actually makes condition X better in that country”), the Cold War has become an important variable. What was it about the Cold War (and its end) that had such a big impact on foreign aid effectiveness? […]

How does the former slave describe life before emancipation? What did individual slaves do before the Civil War and afterward? How does the former slave describe the role of their slaveowner?Discuss.

During the course of African American history, students will be exposed to the context and particulars surrounding slavery, however to expose students to the actual experiences of slavery this assignment allows students to dive into one slave narrative to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of slavery and how these experiences have shaped America. […]

Discuss How was slavery a motivating factor for both northerners and southerners to fight in the Civil War? Please use specific examples from the book

Book Essay #2For Cause and ComradesPlease choose one topic 1.Using specific examples from the book, discuss the major reasons the book gives for why the northerners and southerners fought in the Civil War.2.How was slavery a motivating factor for both northerners and southerners to fight in the Civil War? Please use specific examples from the […]

How would the victorious North reintegrate white Southerners (who had just failed in their bid for independence) into the American political discourse? How could the newly freed slaves be assimilated into the fabric of American life? What attempts were made to revitalize the Southern economy to uplift the region? In what ways did Reconstruction fail?Discuss.

1865-1890: The Emergence of Modern America: From Reconstruction to an Industrial Power, 1865-1890 How would the victorious North reintegrate white Southerners (who had just failed in their bid for independence) into the American political discourse? How could the newly freed slaves be assimilated into the fabric of American life? What attempts were made to revitalize […]

Discuss.To what extent did the American Revolution change this? Based on your reading of Ira Berlin’s Generations of Captivity, do you think slavery was, in fact, one “institution” in this period of time?

ANSWER THREE QUESTIONS: 1. In the decades prior the Civil War, slavery came to be called “the peculiar institution” meaning peculiar to/unique to the South. To what extent do you think it is accurate to analyze slavery in the southern colonies in the colonial and Revolutionary eras as a “peculiar institution”? 2. In what sense […]

Describe how your selected instrument contributed to the strategic objectives of the war. Provide examples to illustrate your argument. In your posting, you may choose to explain the absence of your selected instrument and the consequences to the overall mission.

Although the military wins battles and wars, it is necessary for the implementation of all elements of power to achieve national objectives. In the last few years, the nation seems to use the military as a sole element to achieve national objectives. In this activity, you will explore the role of all elements of power […]

Discuss,How does Loretta Ross describe herself? With which activist organization has she worked and assumed positions of leadership?

Questions from the Introduction1. How does Loretta Ross describe herself? With which activist organization has she worked and assumed positions of leadership?2. How does Rickie Solinger define herself? Identify two questions she has worked to answer.3. Summarize the authors’ positions on the need to be inclusive in the use of language.Questions from Chapter 1. 4. […]

Explain,What transpired during the battle?,What was the outcome of it?

Additional information on specific battles and campaigns of the Revolutionary War may be found by accessing the numerous resources available via the Lee University Library. In the subject line of the online catalog enter: United States History Revolution 1775 1783 Campaigns. Scholarly articles on the subject may also be found searching the JSTOR Database. Choose […]