Examine the causes and impact of the Peloponnesian Wars. Were they ultimately good for the city-states or pave they way for their collapse?

Topic: Examine the causes and impact of the Peloponnesian Wars. Were they ultimately good for the city-states or pave they way for their collapse? Paper details: You must use a minimum of five sources. Your sources must include: Two books. Electronic or Google books are fine to use. At least one journal or magazine article. […]

Which of these specific lessons do you believe to be the most important to teach a class about American History in the second-half of the Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century? Why do you believe this is the most critical information for students to learn?

For this discussion board I would like you to answer the following question: Imagine you are tasked with delivering a single lecture based upon only ONE of the following Video Lessons for this Unit: Lesson 3: Moving to the City Lesson 4: A Dream Deferred Lesson 5: Labor’s Struggles Lesson 8: The Progressive Paradox Lesson […]

Have you seen or experienced any of the education wars that are exemplified by Strobel’s experience in Kanawha County, West Virginia? Describe your experience. If you have not seen this, find and describe a current battle over these issues in the schools.

Please read Chapters 1 & 4 of the attached text book. Please list page number when using in text citations. Using what you read in these chapters answer the following questions: a. What is NOMA and is it the best way to see the world with a coherent mind? b. Have you seen or experienced […]

Discuss How are we to understand the role of locally produced weapons components in the international arms trade and in wars? Who is responsible for making, using and controlling weapons?

a factory in Brighton produces guidance units for bombs dropped in Yemen (Links to an external site.)? And missile racks (Links to an external site.) that have helped Turkish military industry become a major drone producer and exporter? How are we to understand the role of locally produced weapons components in the international arms trade […]

Describe the historical setting—social structures, wars, and other major events or inventions that happen during this period that might have influenced the composer.

Describe the historical setting—social structures, wars, and other major events or inventions that happen during this period that might have influenced the composer. Detail the contributions made to music by this composer, and why you believe this person is important in the development of music. The paper should be double-spaced, a minimum of five (5) […]

Discuss:Are sanctions an effective way to avoid war and yet impose high costs upon a target influencing their decisions?

The Political Economy of Trade and Sanctions COURSE SYLLABUS Course Description Since the election of the 45th President of the United States trade wars and protectionism have been on the rise in western countries after decades of ever-growing economic interactions between countries. In this seminar, we will first review the political economy of trade and […]