What is the draw to become a member in the group you have selected-What political interest does the agency serve?

Special Interest Group Unit III Case Study Select a special interest group from here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/gov_relations/oirpublicinterestgroups Using your selected special interest group, write a two-page paper to answer the questions below. Use headings to indicate sections of your paper. Be sure to include supporting evidence for your main ideas. Introduce the agency, its roles and functions. […]

Classify what specific public policy category it attempts to advance and how it goes about having its interests applied in policy development.

Special Interest Group Unit III Case Study Select a special interest group from here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/gov_relations/oirpublicinterestgroups Using your selected special interest group, write a two-page paper to answer the questions below. Use headings to indicate sections of your paper. Be sure to include supporting evidence for your main ideas. Introduce the agency, its roles and functions. […]