Examine your current water use and then examine several lifestyle changes that could reduce your overall water usage.

EVR1001C- Lab: Water use and conservation In this activity, examine your current water use and then examine several lifestyle changes that could reduce your overall water usage. To do this you’ll be using an online water calculator that asks you to provide some information about water-using activities and uses this information to calculate your overall […]

Who provides funding to ensure that we have safe drinking water in the U.S?

Answer question 1.What are the sources of lead in Flint’s drinking water? 2. Who is being impacted? What are the impacts on their health? 3. What content connections can you link to environmental science 4. What is the source of your town’s drinking water? Be specific. 5. Who provides funding to ensure that we have […]

What is the effect of the soil composition on the filtration rate of water?Discuss

Overall Topic- Soil Specific Research Question- What is the effect of the soil composition on the filtration rate of water? Proposed Procedure (general)- Get a bucket of water and different types of soil and see how long it takes to filter the water You have to collect your own data but you can make up […]

A global environmental issue is the acces to adequate and safe water. Discuss the major water resource problems affecting the world today. What sustainability efforts could be implemented to manage and conserve water energy?

The topic is “A global environmental issue is the acces to adequate and safe water. Discuss the major water resource problems affecting the world today. What sustainability efforts could be implemented to manage and conserve water energy

Explain Will you change your water consumption in the future?What affects your water consumption?Is it difficult to drink the amount of water recommended?What are the functions of water in the body?What are some potential consequences of inadequate water intake, or excessive water intake?

1: Water Intake water we drink each day. Discussion 2: Instructions Supplement Regulation Debate 1. Keep track of the quantity of water you consume for three days. Module 4 Discussions 2. Share with us how much water you consumed and what you think about this consumption relative to what you think you need to consume […]

Based on the knowledge you have gained from this lesson/chapter explain why water is such a valuable resource in this MENA region and how would you resolve such kind of hydropolitics conflicts in MENA region.

Water is a vital resource for drinking and growing food. Hydropolitics or the interplay of water resource issues and politics has raised tension between countries that share watersheds, or water sources. Do some research and identify countries where there is tension or conflict for water resources. Based on the knowledge you have gained from this […]