Discuss the nature of justice and the role of both wealth creation and responses to wealth inequalities.

The question concerns the nature of justice and the role of both wealth creation and responses to wealth inequalities. You should justify your answer using theological, including biblical, arguments. Look at the nature of justice in the old testament. does justice mean all get an equal amount. Property rights. Do the most needy get what […]

Discuss how else would you explain the extraordinary power and wealth that today’s social media corporations currently enjoy?

The analysis we have pursued in this Module has suggested the following: That the model of panoptic surveillance, which Michel Foucault presented in Discipline and Punish, has been fully realized (to a degree that he could never have anticipated) in the surveillance capitalism of today that is analyzed by Shoshona Zuboff. To what extent do […]

Define the concepts of “social class” and “classism.” Why, according to Mantsios, don’t Americans like to talk about class?

What is the difference between income and wealth? How does social status correlate to political influence in the United States? What is occupational prestige? How does it correlate to educational achievement? What is a meritocracy? Is the United States a meritocracy? Define the concepts of “social class” and “classism.” Why, according to Mantsios, don’t Americans […]

What is the influence of geography on the United States?Explain.

What is the influence of geography on the United States? Make an essay in two parts: the first should deal with the development of one of the Native American societies we have examined, outlining the environment’s effect on tribal culture and wealth. The second should focus on one aspect of geography as it affects us […]

How does class or level of wealth affect what the narrator or characters are acting on?

To begin researching for the next module’s Critical Response Essay, you will complete a mini-research project using the OCC library’s database. You may expand this project to complete your Critical Response Essay. Please refer back to Module 3 and the schools of literary criticism (Links to an external site.). 1. Select a reading of fiction […]

Discuss Orgon’s wealth and position in society by using quotes from the play (there are many references throughout). You must explain what the quotes tell us about Orgon and his family.

Tartuffe paper Fall 2020 Martin Puchner, “Money speaks, in Orgon’s society as in ours; possession of wealth implies total control over others [. . . .] Tartuffe’s monstrous lust, for women, money, power, genuinely endangers the social structure” (305). Artistotle believe that the ability to reason is a characteristic of humans and that true happiness […]

Analyze how corporate governance issues affect shareholder wealth,

1 Conduct research on a particular company regarding corporate governance issues. 2 Analyze how corporate governance issues affect shareholder wealth. 3 Analyze corporate investment and financing decisions and their effects on the firm’s value. 4 Evaluate corporate dividend policies that affect wealth creation. 5 Assess the impact on the value of a firm through a […]

Explain:Are there strategies that might be pursued toward reducing the corruption, violence, and terrorism associated with oil-producing nations?

How might you explain the presence of terrorism in both poor countries as well as counties possessing wealth? Are there strategies that might be pursued toward reducing the corruption, violence, and terrorism associated with oil-producing nations?