Explain how you fell being outside in the light and weather Will you write whatever you feel

Art History Photo for assignment – Impressionism -Explain your location (where are you and what do you see?) – Describe what the light is like (bright and sunny, casting long shadows) Bright and sunny – Describe what the weather conditions are Sunny – Explain how you fell being outside in the light and weather Will […]

What particular regions of the Earth have changed the most over that time, and how have they changed? Why might those regions be particularly sensitive to climate change?

Part 1: Collecting Local Weather Data For the first part of this week’s lab, you will need to collect at least five consecutive days’ worth of local weather data. Using measurements from your homemade weather instruments, complete the table below. For those instruments you did not build, use data from a weather website such as […]

What can the Weather Data (Power Point Slide) tell us? What doesn’t it tell us?

Please review the TED talk by Stuart Firestein (The pursuit of ignorance). Then review the powerpoint slide (50 year weather trends in Eastern TN and Western NC). In a 1-2 page essay, discuss how Firestein suggests you should approach this data. Please submit a clearly delineated essay. I must see the following elements: 1) Introduction […]