Which of these providers would you choose as your CRM system and why?

Objective of this Assignment: To demonstrate on-line research, written communication and decision-making skills related to customer relationship management. Pre-Assignment Instructions: To prepare you for this assignment, read module 5 content and follow the embedded learning activities. Go to each of the following websites and surf each one and view some of the demos offered within […]

How do these inform your practices when working with young children?

Journal: Developmental “Ages and Stages Purpose The purpose of the reflective journal is for you to reflect on your values, perceptions, and beliefs about caring for young children. Reflective Prompt Based on the readings and classroom discussions, complete Portfolio Worksheet 5 questions. What are developmental “ages and stages”? What is meant by the phrase “whole […]

Explain how it relates to your life and how it can make you happier and/or healthier.

Discussion Question Psychology 131 Find a valid and credible source about stress management that you find interesting and that can positively affect your life and health. This will probably be online, but it does not have to be. Valid sources often come from .edu, .org, and .gov websites. Sometimes .com sites are fine, but you […]

Craft a letter to the South Carolina state representative or to a National representative to express your thoughts related to the community issue(s) relating to a specific health care concern.

Letter to elected representative about health care concerns Craft a letter to the South Carolina state representative or to a National representative to express your thoughts related to the community issue(s) relating to a specific health care concern. There are many ways to craft a letter to an elected representative, but you are provided you […]

Discuss the forces influencing the workplace and learning, and explain how training can help companies deal with these forces.

Discussion chapter 1 CHAPTER ONE Introduction to Employee Training and Development Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to 1-1 Discuss the forces influencing the workplace and learning, and explain how training can help companies deal with these forces. 1-2 Draw a figure or diagram and explain how training, development, informal learning, and […]

What are 3 things that you found intriguing or insightful when researching their LinkedIn or other websites.

Sherrard Watson – Mid Market Account Executive @ HubSpot https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherrard-watson-79416a63/ Research Sherrard Watson and submit the following details: 1) What are 3 things that you found intriguing or insightful when researching their LinkedIn or other websites. 2) Identify 2 questions that would like to ask them.  

What do you see in your future practice as far as telehealth is concerned?

Write a 1-page reflection (TNR 12pt font, double-spaced) about telehealth. Address the following: Contrast the advantages, applications, and legal implications of telehealth. Discuss how informatics can improve delivery of care in community and home-based settings. What do you see in your future practice as far as telehealth is concerned? Include a list of at least […]

Describe at least three risk challenges that team members faces when dealing with risks at Global Green Books Publishing and provide a rationale for your choices.

Read the 9 mini-case study series from the Project Management Institute on the Global Green Books Publishing company before starting this assignment. The readings were assigned during Week 6. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Describe at least three challenges that project managers face as effective risk managers at Global […]

Which elements do you believe contribute to the success of each of the sites?

Explore two e-commerce Websites that you consider to be effective. Be sure that BOTH e-commerce sites are the same type (B to B, B to C, or C to C).Research each site online. Be sure to fully discuss the following in your essay:   Which elements, if any, do the two sites have in common? […]

Describe the main sources of revenue and major expenses you would find on the income statement related to the company seeking the financial manager?

The role of the financial manager is crucial in every type of organization. Locate a job posting for a financial manager position from any job recruiting website; for example, websites such as Indeed.com or Glass door.com. In a three-page paper (minimum), answer the following questions related to the job description: Provide the job posting information, […]