Identify a couple positive contributions we receive by the assimilation or contributions of other cultures to our culture in the West, and a couple negative aspects of this process.

STATEMENT: Within a generation after Alexander’s death, Greek culture had spread across Asia and parts of Africa. Culture which includes language. political, religious, social Western Civilization was entrenched in (modern countries of) India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, and others … everyone was Westernized. Today, the West has found its way into every cranny […]

Describe specific reasons why the turn of the century could be characterized by the word “radicalized.”

History of Western Civilization II Describe specific reasons why the turn of the century could be characterized by the word “radicalized.” List and describe the four (4) interlocking factors that led to the outbreak of WWI, and then explain the ways in which WWI was a “total war.” Define Totalitarianism and give examples of why […]

What did different governments and social classes fight over and why-What methods or tools did they employ to achieve peaceful outcomes-How successful were these outcomes? Why?

1. Creation myths. Every early society that we have studied has provided an explanation of where they come from and why. But what, exactly, are creation myths? How were they preserved and what can they tell us about the people who passed them down to us? Why? 2. Religion and politics. We have seen several […]

Does the success or failure of the author’s life/career affect the content or style?

  • Who is the author? Is the author a man/woman, rich/poor, powerful/not powerful, foreign observer/member of the society, young/old, first-hand observer/secondary writer, some with something to gain/someone with something to lose? These are just categories to think about that might tell us something about the text and its content. • Why is the author […]

Who is the author writing it for (that is, who is the audience)-Does the audience affect the content or style? If so, how?

Read the two sources and analyze them and write answering the following: • Who is the author? Is the author a man/woman, rich/poor, powerful/not powerful, foreign observer/member of the society, young/old, first-hand observer/secondary writer, some with something to gain/someone with something to lose? These are just categories to think about that might tell us something […]

Explain instances where civilization progressed forward and particular instances where it declined (you must cover both for each of the three).

Western Civilization I – Essay 1 Using examples from Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire (you must cover all three), explain instances where civilization progressed forward and particular instances where it declined (you must cover both for each of the three). Civilizations rise and fall. But even on that trajectory there are […]

Explain how Calvin and at least two other individuals/events/movements c. 1350-1650 tore apart and transformed the Latin fabric of Europe.

Western Civilization and John Calvin Full prompt is in Additional materials Explain how Calvin and at least two other individuals/events/movements c. 1350-1650 tore apart and transformed the Latin fabric of Europe. In answering the prompt, please use and cite Calvin’s Institutes and at least one of the additional sources posted. The paper should be double-space, […]

Do you agree with this perspective-What could be the negative aspects of promoting individual creativity as the highest value?

Paper for admissions to the honors college: the following topic below and write a clear, coherent argument. Your essay will be evaluated on your ability to write clearly, think logically, provide evidence for your assertions, and use proper grammar. (Maximum 500 words) Individual Creativity Some scholars say that the highest value in Western civilization today […]

Explain the reasons why pre-Greek civilizations began recording their history.

Module 1 – Western Civilization Question Explain the reasons why pre-Greek civilizations began recording their history. TIPS for essay directly address the topic demonstrate a grasp of historical facts and the narrative (what happened in history) and, most importantly, offer an explanation that answers questions such as: “how?” “why?” “what does it mean?” “why is […]