Discuss the principles of control in general and what you think you learned and could use for budget control in your career (essentially, reflect on the concepts of budget control).

  Part 1: Read the Sannwald textbook, Chapter 8, pp. 144-147  and the following article:Hurst, N. (2013). The book stops here. Public Libraries, 52(5), 36-42. (A full text version is available in the ECU Joyner Library’s eJournal/eBook database). Part 2: Write a paper of 3-4 pages (minimum) in length with the following two components: A. […]

Write an essay assuming to be a  whistleblower who Uncovers & exposes highly illegal plots operated and funded by the govt against its own citizens as apart of false flag operations and their journey to escape to a foreign country for their own safety.

Write an essay assuming to be a  whistleblower who Uncovers & exposes highly illegal plots operated and funded by the govt against its own citizens as apart of false flag operations and their journey to escape to a foreign country for their own safety.  

What are other direct harms that the video claims can be linked to Facebook’s lack of regulation? Do you think this and/or any of the previous claims are legitimate? Why or why not?

Short Response 10 Instructions After reviewing the video below, respond to each of the following prompts: 1. What are Haugen’s (the whistleblower) claims against Facebook and how the platform regulates (or doesn’t regulate) speech on their platform? What are the kinds of algorithms and safety checks that are supposed to be in place, and how […]