What is the point Emerson makes about children/adults in relation to nature?

Ralph Waldo Nature/ The American Scholar Your assignment for Nature is to express Emerson’s main points in your own words. Summarize chapter 1 (pp. 554 – 557). Follow the format below and consider the questions for each section. 1. The first two paragraphs. What is his point about the stars? What does he mean by […]

Why should we not have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs?”

Choose one Nature First of all, be sure to read the footnote to Nature. Emerson’s main point in the introduction (which he makes in several of his works, by the way) is that we should not experience nature (or life) through the eyes of “foregoing generations.” We should experience nature on a personal level. He […]