Which speaker would you rather be in a relationship with, and why?

If the sonnets we read by William Shakespeare, Sonnet 29 or Sonnet 130, were love letters, as it were, which one would you rather receive? Which speaker would you rather be in a relationship with, and why? Which one sounds more reliable? Write a journal response to this prompt of about 200-250 word

Write a five paragraph essay on how a supporting character in “The Martian” by Andy Weir and a supporting character in “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare help drive the plot in these two stories.

Assignment Write a five paragraph essay on how a supporting character in “The Martian” by Andy Weir and a supporting character in “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare help drive the plot in these two stories. Compare and contrast these two characters.

Why might Sonnet 18 by Francesco Petrarcha be interpreted as a poem about defeat as much as a poem about love?

Responding to a Narrative Prompt., Love Sonnets Why might Sonnet 18 by Francesco Petrarcha be interpreted as a poem about defeat as much as a poem about love? Use specific examples from the text in your response. Read Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare now. It is located on page 73 of your Journeys anthology. What […]

write a three-page analysis essay based on the four categories.

Choose a poem from your assigned reading and write a three-page analysis essay based on the four categories. Poems in reading- The Seven Ages of Man – William Shakespeare Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost 1874–1963 Uphill -Christina Rossetti four categories- Imagery, Symbols, Metaphors, Symbols