Identify an instance or situation in which artistic expression has been used in support social justice advocacy.

Identify an instance or situation in which artistic expression has been used in support social justice advocacy. Your example should include some aspect of “out-group” advocacy, i.e., individuals who do not self-identify (based on their social location) with the group for whom their artistic expressions advocate social justice (e.g., the earlier example of Andy Murray […]

Summarize the four parts presented in the How to Win Friends and Influence People video (Link Provided below) (one separate paragraph for each part).

Case Analysis – How to Win Friends and Influence People Question 1 Summarize the four parts presented in the How to Win Friends and Influence People video (Link Provided below) (one separate paragraph for each part). Question 2 Relate a minimum of two of the four parts or sub-parts presented in the video to a […]

What are some of barriers and challenges that people face in fully experiencing these established American values?

Assignment Instructions: Throughout this course you have learned about American values and the ways that American society realizes these values. In studying American values, we need to question not only how these values that have been an integral part of American society are ideally supposed to be experienced by all Americans as part of our […]

What would make a moral system unreasonable in its requirements?

Write a paper on criticisms of utilitarianism. Your paper will include sub-discussions on the following: Is Utilitarianism reasonable in its requirements? What would make a moral system unreasonable in its requirements? Does Utilitarianism adequately address challenges against it such as those made by Hume? Or by Williams? If so, how do these challenges relate to […]

Write a complete paragraph analysing Williams’s use of music, particularly the “Varsouviana” and the “blue piano” across the play. When are these musical pieces used? What is the effect? How do these connect to meaning?

Topic: s Due Nov 19 Write a complete paragraph analysing Williams’s use of music, particularly the “Varsouviana” and the “blue piano” across the play. When are these musical pieces used? What is the effect? How do these connect to meaning?