Why start with the Puritans, and not with Native American oratory or the journals of Spanish or Portuguese explorers?

Literary Analysis 1 Volume a https://uerjundergradslit.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/the-norton-anthology-of-american-literature-9th-edition-volumes-a-b.pdf volume b https://uerjundergradslit.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/the-norton-anthology-of-american-literature-9th-eidtion-volumes-c-d-e.pdf •Using the links above for the readings: Do not use any other sources! “Beginnings to 1820” (pages 3-25) • John Winthrop (pages 176-178) “A Model of Christian Charity” (pages 178-189) • Anne Bradstreet Bio (pages 217-219) “The Prologue” (pages 219-220) “The Author to Her Book” (page […]

How do different writers incorporate them into their works?-Did certain values or ideals seem to become more or less important over time?

consider the ideals, values, and themes that early American writers considered to be important and worthy of inclusion in their journals, sermons, and poems. What are these ideals and values? Why were they important? How do different writers incorporate them into their works? Did certain values or ideals seem to become more or less important […]