What were the historical arguments for and against women’s suffrage, or right to vote?

“New Womanhood” Answer the chosen essay prompt fully and completely. Include a main topic , or argument, which the rest of your essay will successfully refer to and strengthen. Use detailed and appropriate evidence from the course’s required readings. https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraID=9&smtid=2 https://billofrightsinstitute.org/activities/handout-a-background-essay-women-in-the-gilded-age Utilize a mix of both primary and secondary source material. Include body paragraphs that […]

How did the group you chose unite-divide women in pursuit of their agenda-vision of American womanhood? 

How did the group you chose unite or divide women in pursuit of their agenda and vision of American womanhood? How did the reform movement you chose intersect with the suffrage movement? How did the arguments used to push for suffrage unite and divide American women?