Can you think of institutions and practices that show gender discrimination to be a continuing and a contemporary problem?

D13C How would you respond to someone who claims that the social roles of men and women have converged and, if anything, women actually have more power today? Can you think of institutions and practices that show gender discrimination to be a continuing and a contemporary problem?

Chose one group of women from Units 1-5 to discuss how they best represents the ideas of the creative role of women?

History DB 155(1) Go back and review women in their Social, Economical, Legal, Political, Creative, Intellectual, and Moral roles. Choose any 5 questions to answer. Choose a DIFFERENT group of women for each question, women discussed can be from readings or outside research as long as it fits 1500s-present. QUESTIONS: Chose one group of women […]

Conduct relevant research on the topic you’ve selected and develop a position in a systematic way through critically evaluating and selecting data / evidence that is organized into an argument that is clear, ordered

This is an opportunity for you to engage in a bit of self-guided research on a topic related to medical ethics that may be interesting to you. review PART V: Chapter 10 Women and Medicine and Chapter 11 African Americans and Medicine. Next, select a topic that arises in one of those chapters or is […]

Discuss the women in the assigned videos, specifically discuss how they came to work in the criminal justice system and any insight they provide you about their positions the first two questions are only opinions and third is from the video

Use the video to answer only 3 questions The presence of professional women in the criminal justice system is growing, however, it is still small . (1) Discuss the challenges for women professionals in the criminal justice system, (2) Discuss the future of professional women in the criminal justice system, and (3) Discuss the women […]

Why do you think the causes of abolitionism and women’s rights were so intertwined in the early years of these movements?

Write an analysis of Women’s Reform Movements in the 1840s and 1850s. Why did women begin joining reform movements at this point in American history? Why do you think the causes of abolitionism and women’s rights were so intertwined in the early years of these movements? What do you think the reformers accomplished or failed […]

How the issue with abortion in the USA is so muddy.

college essay For your literary work, we ask you to present a perspective based on just one word. This year the word is “muddy.” In 500 words or less, present your perspective on “muddy.” Literary work will be evaluated on the basis of: 1. Creativity 2. Relevance to the topic; 3. Development of the perspective […]