Do you think the withholding of sex would work in modern times? Why or why not?

As we see, conflict between the sexes is one of the main themes of the Lysistrata. In your main thread, discuss your general thoughts on the play as a whole, and along the way, address some or all of the following: What seems to be the real motivation for women to withhold sex? In your […]

Examine the disparities between how men and women are treated/viewed by society at large and how they communicate with one another or attempt to express their opinions.

This chapter obviously builds on the prior one about gendered organizational communication. Examine the disparities between how men and women are treated/viewed by society at large and how they communicate with one another or attempt to express their opinions. Another question to consider is this: due to their “marginalized” status, do women (in this instance, […]

Do you think men and women have different communication styles-Are there differences in the nonverbal communication styles of men and women?

Do you think men and women have different communication styles? Are there differences in the nonverbal communication styles of men and women? Think of a particular experience you have had in communicating with the opposite sex and apply the critical thinking analysis

What is the definition of power in an organizational setting-What are different types of power in organizations?

The topic of POWER Power is an important aspect of careers and professional progress. What is the definition of power in an organizational setting? What are different types of power in organizations? Name ONE kind of power it is (very) difficult for women to acquire. Why? Name ONE kind of power it is (very) easy […]

Why Victorian literature depicts the miserable situation of women that belong to the upper class as they have to remain in the four walls of the house? Why Victorian literature depicts the miserable situation of women that belong to the upper class as they have to remain in the four walls of the house?

What proportion of the occupation is women? Men-For health services occupation, determine the difference in median weekly earnings between people based on your previously chosen socio-demographic characteristic

Career outlook Utilizing the most current government data available, determine and describe the distribution for your health services occupation based on at least one socio demographic characteristic ( age, race/gender). What proportion of the occupation is women? Men?For health services occupation, determine the difference in median weekly earnings between people based on your previously chosen […]