What factors would put you off/against signing on to a platform that enabled you to perform gig work? Would you be satisfied getting a fixed fee for a type of task or would you prefer per hour payment? If so why?Discuss

Interview Questions SECTION A FOR self-employed gig workers Would you be willing to complete everyday errands/chores (gig work) for a fee? Would you perform gig work as your only employment or would it supplement other permanent employment? How far would you be willing to travel to complete a task? Are you skilled in any particular […]

Discuss,What is the relationship between work and the “stories of the heart”?

Instructions: Write a 1-page response (350-400 words), choosing one of the following prompts: Ntoni is one of the most important characters in the story. Comment on Ntoni’s ideas and his character development. Then focus on the ways the visual narrative finds to convey his changing role – from being one of the characters to becoming […]

Write a 200-word response Analyze the second paragraph of William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily.” What is the deeper meaning behind this part of the work?

write a 200-word response Analyze the second paragraph of William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily.” What is the deeper meaning behind this part of the work? Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your points.

Describe the primary lessons you gained from this experience, the value of interviewing leaders, and the impact this approach has on leadership

This is the last assessment that is related to your leadership interviews. For this assessment, use the narrative and summary of your interviews to complete the following analysis: Leadership theory: Summarize the leadership theory that you used to develop your interview questions. Analyze how the questions you asked and the data you collected during the […]

List and explain ways in which his work is still relevant to corrections, criminal justice, and the treatment of offenders today.

List and explain 5 ways in which his work is still relevant to corrections, criminal justice, and the treatment of offenders today. Be sure to reference all sources. Post a new topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses pertaining to the above information. Comment on at least 2 other students’ posts, and offer […]