Have you ever seen something in practice that you have wanted to change? If so, and if evidence supports the change you would like to make, this is your opportunity to write a practice change proposal.

In this module, you will have the freedom to creatively envisage an innovative new way of working in your practice setting and the opportunity to hone your practice proposal writing skills. Have you ever seen something in practice that you have wanted to change? If so, and if evidence supports the change you would like […]

Discuss:Does working longer make people healthier and happier?

Caley, M. and Sidhu, K., 2011. Estimating the future healthcare costs of an ageing population in the UK: expansion of morbidity and the need for preventative care. Journal of Public Health, 33(1), pp.117-122. Calvo, E., 2006. Does working longer make people healthier and happier? Issue Brief WOB, 2. Corporation for National and Community Service. n.d. […]