Summarize what you learned about the event or topic from both the primary and secondary sources that you selected.

Primary and secondary source analysis You will take the information from your Primary and Secondary Source Worksheet and create a 2 – 3 page (500 – 750) analysis and comparison essay. Instructions: Evaluate your sources using the Primary and Secondary Source Worksheet as a template. Write a properly formatted, double-spaced analysis, and comparison essay that […]

Was this test(s) the correct test to use-Why or why not?

NURS 330: Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice Select the Test Worksheet Choose two research articles identified by your group for your group EBP project. Complete the following table using the resources provided in Chapter 11 on page 311 to define the tests used by the researchers for both articles. Article 1: What test(s) did the […]

Why might the theoretical probability not match the experimental probability?

Probability Report Worksheet The probability of an event can be determined in theory as well as in practice. In this project, you will use the formulas and methods in your readings to determine the theoretical probability. You will then conduct an experiment to see if the outcomes match what you expect to find with the […]

What type of hypothesis are you testing difference between groups or an association between variables?

Choosing the Correct Statistical Test Worksheet Directions: Review your chapter readings and the following resources found in Topic 8 Resources: Choosing the Right Statistical Test: Types and Examples and An Introduction to Statistics: Choosing the Correct Statistical Test, then walk through the tree diagram and answer the following questions. What type of hypothesis are you […]

Identify how you evaluate the progress and challenges with growth.

Entrepreneurial Business Plan Review the attached worksheet and complete section 9: – Determine the challenges faced by the business as it grows. – Identify how you evaluate the progress and challenges with growth. – Determine the two best possible strategies for the growth of your business. Include no more than 2 PowerPoint slides with between […]

Provide a practice example from the research literature of how each evaluation design has been applied.

Evaluation Design Comparison Worksheet For this assignment, you will complete the “Evaluation Design Comparison” worksheet and compare the different evaluation designs described in your textbook. Provide a practice example from the research literature of how each evaluation design has been applied. Evaluation Design Description Strengths and Limitations Practice Example Practice Example Reference (APA Citation) Posttest […]

What is the most serious decision you have made or participated/ witnessed personally-What is the process you went through?

Decision making and Leadership. Identify an organizational/ company situation, in which you or a manager should make a critical decision for yourself/ him or herself or the company. Present the situation in detail so that we can analyze the situation and assess the most appropriate decision making tools and styles. Certainly, we need detailed information […]