Outline the organisational context and provide justification for the need for the training chosen.

Devise an outline for a training proposal for one of the following scenarios Using an organisation you work for or one you are familiar with (you do not need to provide the name of the organisation) you are asked to write a report on the following: Devise an outline for a training proposal for one […]

Briefly discuss whether the care given in your scenario was evidence based from the literature reviewed and discuss your personal learning from completing this review and how you could use the knowledge gained from exploring the research literature to improve and/or enhance your future practice and possibly of your team/Unit.

Introduction (approximately 100 words) 1.1 As with any assignment you should commence with an introduction to signpost the intent of the assignment to the reader. 1.2 A statement of confidentiality should be provided which includes baby, parents,staff, unit and hospital. Provide a scenario/event on an aspect of care provision to an infant requiring intensive care […]

What languages-investigative-analytic skills have you learned that will be required to carry out your research plans-how did you attain them?

Part I. Explain the origin of your interest in your research project, including such aspects as your biography, personal and professional experiences, and academic pursuits. While this may not be an aspect that you will be asked to address in a research proposal, your explanation may help workshop participants give you constructive suggestions to clarify […]

Develop a draft interview guide consistent with your chosen approach, using the feedback you received in your Workshop.

The Final Project is a stepwise process, and its goal is to leave you well-prepared by the end of this course to execute on your qualitative research study plan. This week, you will begin Step II of the Final Project, which is drafting your interview guide. The development and feedback will take place in the […]