Connect the cultural and social implications of fear in the texts.

Fear is a common topic in the books World War Z and Disgraced. Connect them. In World War Z, fear is an obvious motivator, we are told in the retrospective accounts provided for us, while in Disgraced, it is a nuanced and thus more subtle enabler. Connect the cultural and social implications of fear in […]

Do you see any parallels between cultural divisions of the 1920s and modern divisions in American society?

American Society in the 1920s Watch the 3 videos below and answer the following questions. 1) World War had a profound impact on American society and ushered in many changes. Would you say that the war’s impact on society in the US during the 1920s was primarily positive or negative? Give at […]

What is it about their policies, actions, and contributions that made them effective or ineffective?

Spark 6 Review the Lukacs reading in this week’s Learning Resources to understand the context in which World War II leaders rose. Examine the policies, actions, and contributions of each world leader and their impact on the events of World War II. Use your completed World War II Political World Leaders Comparison Chart for reference. […]

Write an essay about the history of Japan where you consider its ancient samurai past, its history during the Second World War, and its present, especially how technologically advanced Japan is coping with a nuclear disaster after the Tsunami.

History of Japan and Its Present Write an essay on any one of the following subjects. Make sure you give concrete examples from the readings, and check for grammar and sentence-structure problems. You should have 5-6 paragraphs including an introduction, body-paragraphs and a conclusion. Feel free to incorporate photos/images to support your essay. History of […]

How did the American victory in World War 2 impact us politically, socially-economically?

World War II How did the American victory in World War 2 impact us politically, socially, and economically? What were the long-term consequences of that victory? How did it change our economic position in the World? What impact did it have on our culture and social expectation of Americans?

What were the main reasons for World War II-Why did these factors lead to a world war rather than to a number of regional conflicts?

Module 6 Discussion 1.Differentiate between 20th-century totalitarianism, dictatorship, and 18th-century absolutism. 2. What were the main reasons for World War II? Why did these factors lead to a world war rather than to a number of regional conflicts?

What do you think is the most important short-term cause of your event,-why?

Topic: World War 2 World War II (1939-1945) Think about how the causes and effects of this event can be connected to other events and developments that we have studied. Support these connections with evidence from the readings. This should be written as one continuous essay, with well-written paragraphs. Answer the following questions: What do […]

Why did the Americans desire to return to it by the 1930s? Finally, what was the American attitude during the 1930s?

Section One: This first section describes the international scene during the decade of the 1930s. Toward the latter part of this section, the author states that while President Roosevelt was beginning to “bite his fingernails” over these events, most Americans were indifferent to the world situation. They were enjoying the “luxury of indifference.” For your […]

How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers

Discussion Board #8: Between the Wars 1. How did radio and movies allow propagandists and political leaders to reconstruct orderly and reassuring images of the world for ordinary people, even as high-culture artists, composers, and writers continued to dismantle traditional cultural norms and express the anxiety and fear arising out of the First World War […]