What ways did Japanese internment during World War II encourage a continued policy of formal and informal racialization that may resonate in our Post- 9/11 America still today with other people groups and immigrants more generally.

Asian Americans Discussion What ways did Japanese internment during World War II encourage a continued policy of formal and informal racialization that may resonate in our Post- 9/11 America still today with other people groups and immigrants more generally.

How did World War I lead to social and political change, particularly within Europe-What were some long-term consequences of these changes?

Questions: 1. Identify and describe at least TWO examples of decolonization that took place after World War II. Who controlled these former colonies, and when did they become independent nations? Were there any political or military struggles that took place before or after their independence? 2. Identify at least TWO consequences of World War I […]

Explain if the United States, despite neutrality, aided the Allies against the Axis powers.

Minimum of 1 ||scholarly source || (in addition to the textbook) Consider three (3) of the following events: 1.Treaty of Versailles 2.Rise of fascism, militarism and imperialism 3. Failure of the League of Nations 4. Hitler and the Nazi Party 5. The Lend Lease Act 6. Japanese expansion and the bombing of Pearl Harbor Based […]

Write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II.

Primary Source Review Choose one of the sources from the “IN THEIR OWN WORDS” sections of Chapter 29. Research that primary source document in more depth and write a two-page essay discussing how it fits into the historical context of World War II. Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words (include introduction, body, […]

Which of the issues mentioned concern you the most? Which concern you the least?

What do you think about the Paul Kennedy thesis?Does it make sense?How do you see it applying in various countries?What would an alternative explanation be to describe why some countries get so powerful? Think about the three main forms of government that basically became standardized after the First World War –Communism (i.e., U.S.S.R.), Fascism (Italy […]

Conduct research on major events and societal norms and trends that elderly people have most likely experienced. For instance, what was it like to experience the gas crisis of the 1970s? What were the usual roles for men and women raising families in the 1950s after World War II?

Description Conduct research on major events and societal norms and trends that elderly people have most likely experienced. For instance, what was it like to experience the gas crisis of the 1970s? What were the usual roles for men and women raising families in the 1950s after World War II? Using this information, prepare a […]

Why does a manager need to understand leadership, leadership theories, and the difference between effective and poor leadership?

Why It Matters: Leadership Why does a manager need to understand leadership, leadership theories, and the difference between effective and poor leadership? What makes someone such as Winston Churchill, England’s prime minister during World War II, a great leader? What’s the difference between being a manager and a leader? Why does it matter? When we […]

How might you apply it to chapters 1, 2 and 3 (attached) and what you have learned about the post-World War II era? Is Paul’s advice to the Ephesians relevant to the mid-20th century? Does this passage bring to mind specific people, actions or events you read about for this week? How do you respond to the passage on a personal level?

Write a reflection of your thoughts on the following verse from Ephesians. How might you apply it to chapters 1, 2 and 3 (attached) and what you have learned about the post-World War II era? Is Paul’s advice to the Ephesians relevant to the mid-20th century? Does this passage bring to mind specific people, actions […]

Discuss World War II

Paper details: World War II continued the trend towards “total” warfare that began in WWI. Modern technology and the sheer scale of troop mobilization meant that non-combatants could no longer remain safely behind the lines. All civilians, including women and children, experienced changes in their daily lives throughout the duration of the war. Choose an […]