Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds

All major mutual fund companies now offer a variety of internationally diversified mutual funds. The degree of international composition across funds, however, differs significantly. Use the Web sites listed below, and others of interest, to do the following: Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds Determine how international funds have been […]

What changes are being seen in the supply chain for recyclers of waste products?

CHINA CLAMPS DOWN ON RECYCLABLES How have China’s own sustainability issues and policies affected sustainability concerns worldwide? What changes are being seen in the supply chain for recyclers of waste products? What types of package design changes might be envisioned in the future to help reduce the amount of waste that is created?  

Explain the implications for management practice of national difference in political economy.

6.1 Learning Outcomes: Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation. Identify the macropolitical and macroeconomic changes occurring worldwide. Describe how transition economies are moving toward market-based systems. Explain the implications for management practice of national difference in political economy.   6.2 Action Required: Watch the video using the following link:   […]