Consider the relationtionship between the beautiful and the good in Chaucer’s work OR 9. Can Chaucer be described as a moral writer?Discuss

Description Please choose either questions: 4. Consider the relationtionship between the beautiful and the good in Chaucer’s work OR 9. Can Chaucer be described as a moral writer? Also please choose between The Millers Tale, The Merchants Tale, or The Wife of Bath’s Tale to compare. (eg The Merchants Tale compared with The Wife of […]

What have you learned that you will be able to apply immediately?Which assignment has been most impactful/applicable towards my Business degree program and/or job and why?

Reflect how this course will directly apply to your future experiences as student and/or in the workplace. -What have you learned that you will be able to apply immediately? -What do you need to work to improve your individual process as a writer? -Which assignment has been most impactful/applicable towards my Business degree program and/or […]

What did choosing/using one or more mode end up doing for you as a writer? How did it help you to create the paper you wanted to write?Explain

The first part is a thesis essay in which quotes and details from the reading is used to support a thesis, or main point, of your choice. The thesis can be about the reading or it can also be about something out in the world, with the reading being used as evidence to back it […]

Discuss,Consider the relationship between writer, audience/reader, and purpose. Who are you as a writer? A fan of the topic? Someone involved in the topic? Who would be interested in reading this topic, or in knowing about it? What is your evaluation’s purpose?

EVALUATION ESSAYObjectives Write a persuasive evaluation Use and cite a source in the essay Essay length–minimum 500 wordsAssignmentApply evaluation elements to a subject you like or dislike. Subjects may include something related to your major, a form of entertainment (a movie, book, magazine, sports team, vacation destination, etc.), a practical topic (a computer, car, newspaper, […]