Describe the forces that have shaped international politics in the Middle East after WWII.

This CAT aims to describe the forces that have shaped international politics in the Middle East after WWII. This CAT analyses post WWII bipolar international system and its impact on the Middle East. We learn about the nature and characteristics of this system that lasted from the end of WWII to 1991. We study how […]

What terrorist organization was responsible for the Munich attack?How many people were killed during this attack? Israelis? Terrorists? Others?Explain

1.What terrorist organization was responsible for the Munich attack? 2. Who were they really affiliated with (from reading)? 3. How were they able to gain access to the Olympic facility? Be sure to mention who assisted them. (Note: There were people from at least two countries who either directly or indirectly provided assistance. 4. Were […]

Explain How are you affected by the end of the war? What would be your response to returning home (after getting laid off of your job) after the end of WWII? How would you react to the media emphasis on the housewife and nuclear family?

Description American Women’s Lives Put yourself in the shoes of a woman living in the years immediately following the end of WWII. How are you affected by the end of the war? What would be your response to returning home (after getting laid off of your job) after the end of WWII? How would you […]

Select one of the individuals from each of the following lists – one pre-WWII terrorist or mass killer and one modern day terrorist or mass killer – and you will compare and contrast these two individuals in terms of profile, background, education, and techniques used. Pre-WWII Terrorists/Mass Killers

Assignment Overview Unit 1 – Individual Project The U.S. Department of State publishes a list of foreign terrorist organizations. Because of this label, many Americans lack the understanding of what these groups are trying to accomplish. You will hear broad, media-fed statements like, “They want us to live in the Stone Age,” or “They are […]

Discuss How did WWII and the Cold War lead to the rise of ideas of liberation and equality amongst the colonized/ oppressed people of the USA and the world? (In developing your answer consider the use of US propaganda against its enemies during WWII and the Cold War)

In a well-constructed Essay (Thesis statement evidentiary paras, and conclusion) : How did WWII and the Cold War lead to the rise of ideas of liberation and equality amongst the colonized/ oppressed people of the USA and the world? (In developing your answer consider the use of US propaganda against its enemies during WWII and […]

Analyze WWII Europe Campaign from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications.

APA 7th Edition Format 2200 words minimum of five resources Assignment details are attached Analyze WWII Europe Campaign from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. You can analyze the entire campaign/operation, a single battle, or a […]

Explain what your topic is(be specific and give necessary details, give time frames, etc.), how you plan to go about doing the research on your topic(name specific books and/or websites you plan to use), and explain why you picked your topic (why is the topic relevant?).

RESEARCH PROPOSAL : In 2-3 pages (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins), explain what your topic is(be specific and give necessary details, give time frames, etc.), how you plan to go about doing the research on your topic(name specific books and/or websites you plan to use), and explain why you picked your topic (why […]