Is ‘security’ in International Relations an inherently disputed concept?

Is ‘security’ in International Relations an inherently disputed concept? Discuss with reference to a contemporary case study of your choosing. Use the case study of Yemen crisis, and talk about who is responsible to protect, protect from who and what should be protected? is it the traditional theory of security or critical theory security

Describe the different levels of armed conflict according to International Humanitarian Law. According to these rules and as of May-June 2022, how would you catergorize the situations in Yemen-Afghanistan-Moldova?

Question 1: Describe the different levels of armed conflict according to International Humanitarian Law. According to these rules and as of May-June 2022, how would you catergorize the situations in Yemen? Afghanistan? Moldova? Identify all of the parties to the conflicts; when each became an armed conflict; and other relevant analysis required to make the […]

Discuss How are we to understand the role of locally produced weapons components in the international arms trade and in wars? Who is responsible for making, using and controlling weapons?

a factory in Brighton produces guidance units for bombs dropped in Yemen (Links to an external site.)? And missile racks (Links to an external site.) that have helped Turkish military industry become a major drone producer and exporter? How are we to understand the role of locally produced weapons components in the international arms trade […]