Would there ever be a situation in which you would want individual circumstances of a case/ offender to be taken into consideration for a crime?

DISCUSSION QUESTION For this discussion thread assignment, students should answer the following questions. In the USA, states vary on how they treat crimes when it comes to sentencing. Many states have some form or variation of the following for Felony offenses: a.) 3 Strikes, you’re out meaning that 3 felony convictions (strikes) for the same […]

What may be contributing to the increase in suspensions, expulsions, and school-based arrests in schools across the country?

Criminal justice Activity 3 is an excellent way to consider the relationship between the criminal justice system (the topic for this week) and education (the topic for last week). Read all assigned readings for this week BEFORE you complete this assignment. Folks tend to have very strong opinions about both of these subjects. Your task, […]