Evaluate and back up your listed pros and cons on security features of each of the 3 conferencing platforms.

This report is much better than before with comparion of security features of different communication platforms for remote work. Here are some improvements needed: The objectives in Introduction should clearly and accurately emphasize cybersecurity for working remotely  and focus on security of video communication to be consistent with your later discussions. Rewrite and should identify […]

What was your most challenging leadership event-How did you solve the problem?

Leadership PPT As we discussed in class, there are three student work groups each responsible for preparing and presenting their work at our Nov 2 class. Here are the details: Each student in the group will interview a current or past leader by phone, Zoom, text, email, or in person asking probing questions regarding their […]

what is the level of signal-to-noise ratio required to maintain the data rate?

Question 1 (20 points) Suppose you are tasked to setup a video Zoom meeting in your company conference room. Knowing that the conference room camera is Logitech Conference Video Conference Webcam, with Built-In Speakerphone. The microphone Bandwidth: 200 Hz – 8 kHz and transmit video using a matrix of (1280 x 720) picture elements, where […]

What is the maximum bit rate, in bps, of this channel?

Question 1 (20 points) Suppose you are tasked to setup a video Zoom meeting in your company conference room. Knowing that the conference room camera is Logitech Conference Video Conference Webcam, with Built-In Speakerphone. The microphone Bandwidth: 200 Hz – 8 kHz and transmit video using a matrix of (1280 x 720) picture elements, where […]

What are the humorous situations that have occurred in your life that with the passage of time and putting into a different perspective, have taught you something?

Interview Assignment Assignment: Interview Directions: Interview someone in the health profession. ‑‑ Doctor, nurse, health educator, counselor, nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, someone who works at a gym or health foods store, etc. to discover if, how, and when they use humor in their position. Summarize what you discovered in a two‑three page paper. This […]

What are the humorous situations that have occurred in your life that with the passage of time and putting into a different perspective, have taught you something?

Assignment: Interview Directions: Interview someone in the health profession. Doctor, nurse, health educator, counselor, nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, someone who works at a gym or health foods store, etc. to discover if, how, and when they use humor in their position. Summarize what you discovered in a two‑three page paper. This should not be […]

What career are you interested in pursuing in the future?

5 minute live Zoom explanation of student’s career plan This assignment assesses the student’s understanding of factors impacting the labour market, the skills and experience needed for a sustainable graduate career and personal factors that impact career choice. Task (100 marks) You will explain your career plan in 5-minutes on Zoom. The career plan will […]